
Our Journey

My husband and I have dealt with infertility for 15 years. It has been the most heart wrenching experience, but it has not all been wasted. We have become closer as a couple and as a family. We have learned to trust God. We have been ever more grateful for what we do have instead of focusing on what we do not. 

Our oldest child came after 2 1/2 years of trying. I dealt with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and chronic health issues. We finally were successful with clomid - a pill that helps stimulate ovulation. Our second child came after 2 years treatments including failed clomid rounds, failed injections and medications, 6 failed artificial inseminations and finally a grueling round of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Our third child came with a frozen embryo transfer (FET) but severe complications to my health that would make it impossible to have another child.

After the birth of our youngest, our world was turned upside down as my health rapidly declined and I became unable to walk. We decided after three years that I was stable and we pursued adoption for three years. We were matched with a mother who we instantly adored and became good friends. I spent hours on the phone with her and flew across the country to meet her. We were surprised and so happy when we learned that we would be adopting twin girls and we eagerly prepared for them. One of the girls passed away and even as we grieved for her, we pushed on and prayed for the other little girl and her mother. In the end the situation took a turn for the worst and began to be severely manipulated by the mother and were told in the end that the second little girl had also passed away. We were devasted and our world was rocked. There is a chance that the whole thing was an elaborate emotional scam. We will never know for sure. Even though we were not able to adopt, I would like to help others on their journeys to navigate the process. Resources here.

It has been challenging to navigate this new chapter of our family. Grieving our losses and what could have been, but also moving forward with hope in the future and what we do have. We have 3 miracle children and are blessed to raise them and be together as a family.