EOE Diet

Dairy (& Milk) Free, Egg Free, Soy Free

These is based on our experience but every person is different. Use this for ideas and consult with your doctor.

If there is a history of allergies, then be careful and discuss this with your doctor. Our son had a history of food allergies (which can be linked to EOE) and his GI doctor told us to treat these foods as allergens, not even allowing a trace into his diet. Because we did this for a year, his body (which was already allergy prone) turned these foods into full-blown allergens and we had to deal with anaphylactic shock and years of allergy treatments to overcome it. We  have learned from our allergist who is well acquainted with EOE, that at least for us, it was necessary to limit these foods but not eliminate them entirely or his body would treat them as foreign when consumed again. 

Most food at restaurants will contain these ingredients.

Most processed/pre-made foods will contain these ingredients.


We use primarily rice milk for breakfast and coconut milk for making other things creamy (in place of heavy whipping cream or sour cream) or for making homemade ice cream.

Can also try nut milks if tolerated and no allergy - almond milk, cashew milk, etc. 

Avoid Silk Soy milk and other soy milks.

We use Rice Dream rice milk to put in cereal. You can buy it for refrigeration only but we like these shelf stable boxes because we always will have it when we need it. We buy it at Walmart.

We use Thai Kitchen coconut milk and buy it at Walmart.


We use "Smart Balance" in place of butter in all of our recipes. Different varieties have different ingredients so make sure to read the labels.

We use the green one that is dairy-free and soy-free. (Be careful because it says original and they have a new yellow one that also says "Original" that is dairy-free but NOT soy-free.)

If you want to be super safe, the red one is specifically branded as "Soy Free" and is also dairy/milk free.

You can buy all of them at Walmart and at least some of them at Target:

Earth Balance Soy Free Vegetable Buttery Spread, 15 oz Tub



We use SO Delicious Yogurt made with coconut milk.

Ice Cream

We use SO Delicious Ice Cream made with coconut milk - watch ingredients.

Egg Replacement

We make "Flax Eggs" to use in place of real eggs in our baking.

Fast{er} Meals

These Tyson Chicken Nuggets are great!

We use these egg-free/dairy-free/milk-free noodles from Walmart.

Butternut Soup 

4 cups broth of choice

1.5 cups coconut milk

3 cups seeded, peeled and cubed butternut squash

1 small onion (or 1/2-3/4 of a large onion), diced

1/4 cup honey

2 tsp salt

Dashes of pepper and cinnamon.

Bring all ingredients to a boil, then lower the temperature and simmer until the squash is tender. Use an immersion blender while still in the pot or pour into a regular blender.

Adapted from:


DIY Jello

4 cups apple juice (or other fruit juice)

1/4 cup plain gelatin

1/4 cup honey

Add the fruit juice to a medium sauce pan. Sprinkle the gelatin over the top of the juice and let it bloom. After blooming, add the honey and hit the mixture over medium heat until both the gelatin and honey are fully dissolved. Make sure to not let the mixture come to a full boil as this can break down the gelatin. Pour into an 8x8 pan and refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight.

Other Ideas